on vacay temporarily...

"Innovation is an evolutionary process, so it's not necessary to be radical all the time."
Marc Jacobs

Monday, March 22, 2010

Intro & Rant

Hello to you all... over the last few months I have been debating about starting a blog. The reason for the debate being that everyone and their mother has a fashion blog but the reason for wanting one is easy. I continually harass anyone that will listen to me about my opinions regarding fashion/style/society. So in order to spare my family/co-workers/boyfriend, I will now try to vent my views on the importance of my career industry for anyone who is interested in reading.

My hope is to be able to update this little blog as much as possible in between my already busy and hectic schedule I call me life. I become obsessive with subjects that I stumble across by reading or seeing a movie or just seeing on the street. My obsessions can be anything from 50's style to the Twilight Series! Not in this post but in a future one you will also learn my new obsession in platform wedges with tights all because of the movie "The Runaways" and smoky black eyeliner because Kristen Stewart looked hot in the movie, but this is all for another day. So to start things off I would like to announce my hatred of sweats being worn in public...

I honestly think this country has become lazy in appearance! What happened to the days of luxury and beauty of presentation? There was a time when a mother had to quickly run to the store for milk and would not leave unless she was fully dressed. Or as soon as a woman woke up in the morning they would be dressed and ready for the day. And we aren't talking a vintage tee with yoga pants and some keds we are talking full make up, hair teased and set into place, corset, panty hose and a great shirt dress with a nice full skirt! Of course the women in the 50's did not only wear skirts and dresses but pants were worn as an easy casual outfit, the difference between then and now is that they knew how to dress down without throwing on a pair of roomie sweatpants. Come on people...put some pride into your appearance!! There is a reason America is the most obese country in the world, LAZINESS!! As much as people don't want to admit this, everyone is judged by their appearance its a proven fact. Even people that are not interested in fashion will still judge a person by their presentation of themselves.

I have mostly targeted women in this post but men are included, why can't you throw on a pair of slakes with your polo shirt, why must it be jeans? We need to pull it together people and go back to what this country was formed on, the American dream and keeping up with the Jones'!
So next time you need to run out to target or your local A&P, look in the mirror and think to yourself, "What do people think when they see me in this outfit?"

The following images below are some guidelines or what casual dressing should look like.

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