on vacay temporarily...

"Innovation is an evolutionary process, so it's not necessary to be radical all the time."
Marc Jacobs

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dabbling...with a camera

This post is a little off topic being that it has nothing to do with fashion.  I have started really making photography a hobby of mine and took a field trip to the high line to experiment.  With my trusty teacher, Colin Gray (http://ilovecolingray.com/) I think I got some pretty cool shots and wanted to share with you all.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hit the nail on the head

Thanks to my guilty pleasure known as Bravo tv, I discovered a new designer that is perfectly my style!
Allison Parris hits the vintage & feminine button.  Although she is on the more pricey side its not unaffordable.  If you put some money aside from each pay check you can splurge on a perfect little dress or my favorite, her tutu skirt!